Category Archives: Civil Marriage

The real revolution is for common-law partnership
By IRIT ROSENBLUM Common-law marriage is the expression of autonomy in family relations. It is a declaration of partnership. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni declared a civil revolution with the opening of the Knesset’s winter session. In Israel of 2013, the right to civil marriage is a political quagmire, and issues that the western world forgot […]
להמשך קריאה
How did the secular majority became a persecuted minority?
By IRIT ROSENBLUM A woman refused a divorce cannot break free from the shackles of marriage and rebuild her life. The battle for leadership of the Chief Rabbinate has heated up recently. This is the first time the race for chief rabbi has gotten so much media exposure. Why should the secular public care about […]
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Where is the protest?
Family justice would start with passing a Basic Law that would recognize different types of families and parenting constellations, and would establish genuine civil marriage. By Irit Rosenblum | Dec.28, 2012 | The cry reverberates throughout the land. People march to Knesset. A Facebook campaign is launched. People take to the streets. Politicians kiss babies, […]
להמשך קריאה
The mikve as a symbol of religious freedom / By IRIT ROSENBLUM
The rational majority in Israel can – and must – work to change the relationship between religion and state. The time for true religious freedom has come. Since Israel has no constitution, and no basic law that defines the relationship between religion and state, exclusive religious jurisdiction over family life in Israel means that the […]
להמשך קריאה
Common-law marriage now!
I propose “privatizing” marriage in Israel, not in the capitalist sense of letting a corporation profit from government responsibilities, but by restoring civil liberties and privacy to the individual by choosing common-law marriage.
להמשך קריאה
Head to Head / Isn’t New York’s take on same-sex marriage a major step?
An interview with family rights activist Irit Rosenblum. By Tomer Zarchin Attorney Irit Rosenblum, the founder and chairperson of the New Family Organization for Advancement of Family Rights, each year handles hundreds of cases involving homosexual and lesbian couples that are heard primarily in the family affairs courts. These involve requests by same-sex couples to […]
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Don’t Wed in Cyprus
Don’t wed in Cyprus! New Family’s Common-Law Marriage ID Cards confer couples who can’t or choose not to marry religiously status and rights equal to officially married couples by recognizing them as common-law spouses in Israel’s institutions. Common-Law Marriage ID’s protect couples’ integrity by circumventing religious jurisdiction, avoiding capitulation to the outrageous demands of the […]
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Progressive Rabbis of Australia, Asia and New Zealand Call for Marriage Equality.
New Family commends the Moetzah, the Rabbinic Council of Progressive Rabbis of Australia, Asia and New Zealand, for their support of same-sex marriage equality. See their press statement here: Rabbis’ Marriage Equality statement 19 May 2011
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Israeli Attorney Suggests Common-Law Marriage As an Act of Civil Disobedience
In response to the Israeli Rabbinate’s monopoly on marriage in Israel, the author suggests an act of civil disobedience. Common-law marriage is an act of protest against a corrupt system of religious marriage and divorce in Israel. Israel’s system of marriage and divorce constitutes a commercial industry that sustains itself through exclusion, discrimination and commercialization […]
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