Tag Archives: feminism

On Oranges and Water Glasses: Two News Additions to the Seder Plate
The last few parashot readings included instructions on what to do with community members suffering from various skin ailments. These strange diseases are often interpreted as representing the disease of gossip and slander (lashon ha ra), considered a serious sin in Judaism because, like gathering feathers dispersed in the wind, the damage caused by a […]
להמשך קריאהPosted in Gay Partnership Leave a comment
Call Exclusion of Women A Hate Crime
By Irit Rosenblum It was about 340 B.C when Greek philosopher Aristotle made an astute observation. Governments are inherently unstable. They rise and fall cyclically, and each form of positive government deteriorates to its negative congruent. Monarchy, or the rule of one, becomes tyranny when a king appropriates too much authority. Aristocracy, the rule of […]
להמשך קריאה