Tag Archives: family rights

Advocate Irit Rosenblum on new egg donation regulation, ‘This is a great step for women in their race against the biological clock.’
New Family Organization, the leading family rights advocate in Israel, welcomes the Health Ministry’s new regulation permitting Israeli hospitals to freeze ova of women seeking to delay pregnancy. ‘This happy news constitutes a breakthrough in the state’s approach to the status of woman in Israel’, says Advocate Irit Rosenblum, founder and executive director of New Family Organization. ‘The new […]
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Head to Head / Isn’t New York’s take on same-sex marriage a major step?
An interview with family rights activist Irit Rosenblum. By Tomer Zarchin Attorney Irit Rosenblum, the founder and chairperson of the New Family Organization for Advancement of Family Rights, each year handles hundreds of cases involving homosexual and lesbian couples that are heard primarily in the family affairs courts. These involve requests by same-sex couples to […]
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