Tag Archives: New Family

How did the secular majority became a persecuted minority?
By IRIT ROSENBLUM A woman refused a divorce cannot break free from the shackles of marriage and rebuild her life. The battle for leadership of the Chief Rabbinate has heated up recently. This is the first time the race for chief rabbi has gotten so much media exposure. Why should the secular public care about […]
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New frontiers in posthumous reproduction
Last month, an Israeli woman gave birth to a baby conceived from the stored sperm of a man who died of cancer six years ago. While posthumous reproduction is no longer a new concept, this case does represent a new frontier. Although the home of this new mother is filled with photos of her baby’s […]
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Irit Rosenblum’s dream comes true
Woman gives birth using dead man’s frozen sperm In precedent setting case, bereaved parents gain granddaughter after finding woman intent on motherhood, not sperm bank. Irit Rosenblum: this provides women with new ‘avenue of motherhood’ Eti Abramov “Yedioth Achronot”© R., a three-week-old baby, will never get to meet her father, who died of cancer six […]
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The Biological Will™ – a New Paradigm in ART?
Irit Rosenblum, Founder and Executive Director, New Family Organization, Tel Aviv, Israel SUMMARY Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are constantly sophisticating, opening up infinite reproductive possibilities and biological and social parenting constellations. The Biological Will™ is an innovative solution to the legal and moral quandaries presented by new ART. The Biological Will™ is legal testament that […]
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Where is the protest?
Family justice would start with passing a Basic Law that would recognize different types of families and parenting constellations, and would establish genuine civil marriage. By Irit Rosenblum | Dec.28, 2012 | The cry reverberates throughout the land. People march to Knesset. A Facebook campaign is launched. People take to the streets. Politicians kiss babies, […]
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The mikve as a symbol of religious freedom / By IRIT ROSENBLUM
The rational majority in Israel can – and must – work to change the relationship between religion and state. The time for true religious freedom has come. Since Israel has no constitution, and no basic law that defines the relationship between religion and state, exclusive religious jurisdiction over family life in Israel means that the […]
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In my own write: A perfect love
From the Jerusalem Post By JUDY MONTAGU June 28, 2011 In Israel, 300,000 individuals are suffering through grandparents being cut off from their grandchildren. Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild – Welsh proverb ‘Savta – when are you coming again?” I heard my neighbor’s little girl call to her grandmother from […]
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Nearly Half the Families in Israel Are Outside of the Consensus
“Nearly half the families in Israel are outside of the consensus”, says Advocate Irit Rosenblum, Founder and Executive Director of New Family. “The state mistreats 800,000 families. Women who have civil wedding in Cyprus, for example, are not entitled to alimony.” “I began to formulate the idea of New Family in the middle of […]
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First Israeli Baby Born From Mother’s Frozen Embryos
New Family’s Biological Will Initiative enabled the birth of the first Israeli to be born from his deceased mothers frozen embryos and carried by a surrogate mother. The family celebrated the baby’s Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) in New York on Monday, when he was given the name his parents chose for him. “I’m happy that […]
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Israel’s Double Game on the Surrogacy Issue
By Irit Rosenblum, Founder and Executive Director of New Family Organization, and an expert on family law and fertility. The earthquake in Nepal reopened the surrogacy dilemma – whether the right to have children applies to Israeli couples who can’t have children naturally, including same-sex couples, and if so, how much responsibility do the […]
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