Tag Archives: Irit Rosenblum

Creating New Life from the Dead by Biological Will™
The child of the IDF solider Keivan Cohen, shot dead in Gaza in 2002, was born eleven years after his death.
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IDF Solider to Become Father by Biological Will™ 11 Years After Death
IDF Solider to Become Father by Biological Will™ 11 Years After Death
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People-Powered Social Revolution in Israel Promotes Rights of Same-Sex Families
By Irit Rosenblum Legislators react. They don’t enact. A politician who declares a revolution is actually just announcing the phenomenon that he seeks to legislate can no longer be ignored. The real changes are made by people, by society, by individual choices and actions, not by political statements or election propaganda. The legislator simply updates […]
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Israeli Attorney Suggests Common-Law Marriage As an Act of Civil Disobedience
In response to the Israeli Rabbinate’s monopoly on marriage in Israel, the author suggests an act of civil disobedience. Common-law marriage is an act of protest against a corrupt system of religious marriage and divorce in Israel. Israel’s system of marriage and divorce constitutes a commercial industry that sustains itself through exclusion, discrimination and commercialization […]
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AG approves parents’ use of dead son’s sperm
Haifa family court debates parents’ request to impregnate woman with dead son’s sperm, even though two never met. Weinstein has no objection, contrary to former office holder Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein does not object to two parents’ request to use their dead son’s sperm to impregnate a woman, a complete stranger to him while he […]
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The real revolution is for common-law partnership
By IRIT ROSENBLUM Common-law marriage is the expression of autonomy in family relations. It is a declaration of partnership. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni declared a civil revolution with the opening of the Knesset’s winter session. In Israel of 2013, the right to civil marriage is a political quagmire, and issues that the western world forgot […]
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How did the secular majority became a persecuted minority?
By IRIT ROSENBLUM A woman refused a divorce cannot break free from the shackles of marriage and rebuild her life. The battle for leadership of the Chief Rabbinate has heated up recently. This is the first time the race for chief rabbi has gotten so much media exposure. Why should the secular public care about […]
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Irit Rosenblum’s dream comes true
Woman gives birth using dead man’s frozen sperm In precedent setting case, bereaved parents gain granddaughter after finding woman intent on motherhood, not sperm bank. Irit Rosenblum: this provides women with new ‘avenue of motherhood’ Eti Abramov “Yedioth Achronot”© R., a three-week-old baby, will never get to meet her father, who died of cancer six […]
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Israel’s Double Game on the Surrogacy Issue
By Irit Rosenblum, Founder and Executive Director of New Family Organization, and an expert on family law and fertility. The earthquake in Nepal reopened the surrogacy dilemma – whether the right to have children applies to Israeli couples who can’t have children naturally, including same-sex couples, and if so, how much responsibility do the […]
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